Wednesday 18 May 2016

Sugar Addiction – Is Sugar a Drug?

A scientific research has proved that sugar and junk food is as addictive as drugs. But it is very complicated to conclude how addictive some substance is. And either a person has become addictive by this substance or not.Sugar Addiction

Unfortunately, it gives a little extreme impression when we put a label of a drug on some food. But by reading the metabolism process of our body after eating sugar, you will get to know how harmful it is. And why it is labeled as a drug.

Like other drugs (cocaine, alcohol and tobacco), sugar can also lead to increased cravings and addictions when taken in excessive amounts. The addiction process of Sugar is entirely similar to the addiction process in cocaine or heroin.  We are responsible for making ourselves and our children addictive to sugar. Here are some symptoms that will help you find out if you are addictive to sugar or not and how to treat sugar addiction.

Basic symptoms of Sugar Addiction

·         You desire to eat certain foods even if you are not hungry because of cravings.
·         Mood changes due to insufficient amount of dopamine released in our mind due to the withdrawal of sugar.

·         Because of sugar withdrawal you are facing certain health problems like low energy, feeling tired, high blood pressure, faster heartbeat

·         You need more and more of the foods you want to get the pleasure from eating it.
·         You have tried to stop eating sugar, and you can’t.

Tips for the treatment of Sugar Addiction

Like other drug addiction, sugar addiction should also be treated properly. If Sugar Addiction not controlled, it can also lead to serious issues such as obesity, heart disease or cancer.

·         Avoid processed food and avoid eating sugar
·         Boost serotonin (happiness hormone)
·         Drink plenty of water and do not keep your body dehydrated
·         Keep your blood sugar maintained
·         Eat Fat, Fiber and Protein

·         Chew you food well – you will feel natural sweetness of fruits, vegetables and brown rice. And it will satisfy your desire of sugar intake.